Congrats on your Collector’s Edition!

In the flurry of activity that comes with producing a book, we’ve accidentally copied and pasted the same tips from Leadership #2 onto Leadership #10. We spell checked and grammar checked a gazillion times but if you copy and paste the wrong information (however well-spelled), it’ll just sit there and pretend to be something it’s not – our bad…

On the right (below if you’re on mobile), you’ll find a download link to the PDF for the tips that were meant for Leadership #10 on page 31.

You can keep the book as is, just in case we become world famous and the first edition misprints become a valuable Collector’s Edition – or you can print the PDF out, get a bit creative with some scissors and glue and pretend there was never a mistake…

Thank you for your support and we hope this solution works for you.

Ps. If you decide to get creative, please make sure you DON’T paste over Uno on the bottom left – there’s a reason why he’s there!

Maybe have a ‘quick flip’ through the pages? You might find out why!

Say Hello!

Have a question about the book, the characters or any of the tips? Ask us anything!

Drop us a quick message in this form and we’ll be in touch real soon.